

me and youは個人と個人の対話を出発点に、遠くの誰かにまで想像や語りを広げるための拠点です。当たり前とされているものを問い直す編集視点を軸に、メディア・コミュニティの運営や、社会が抱える課題について企業や団体とともに考えるプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。



me and youは、個人の対話を出発点に、遠くの誰かにまで想像や語りを広げていくための活動をおこなう拠点です。日々の心の動きや問いや違和感を肯定し、ちいさくても自分の温度や速度のまま語りはじめ、その声を聞きはじめてみる。それによって、ひとりひとりの異なる生き方や状況が確かに存在すること、わたしとあなたの意外なつながりと共通点、世界を構築している仕組みに気づき、思考し、行動する一歩につながるのではないかと思います。






me and youは、他者や自分自身を尊重する仲間と手をとり合い、関わる人々との対話を重んじながら、個人と社会の結びつきをひとりひとりが安心できる形にときほぐし、ゆるやかに結び直すためのプロジェクトを生み出していきます。個人の小さな声や温度を大切にしたまま、社会に存在する課題に向き合うこと。ものごとの「あわい」や「振幅」に目を配り、一つの選択肢で塗りつぶさないこと。心強い仲間とのつながりと、当たり前とされているものを問い直す編集視点を軸に、学びを心がけ変化を受け入れながら活動していきます。

1. me and you's project

me and youが大切にしている思いのもと、自分たちが主導し、耕しているプロジェクトです。

2. me and you & you! project


me and youは、特にコミュニケーションの領域を得意としています。誰にどのように届けるかはもちろん、届けるべきものを作るといった、生み出すところからご一緒することも。施策全体のプロデュースから、メディアや冊子、イベントの企画制作まで、編集者・ライター・写真家・イラストレーター・アーティストなど、知名度という尺度ではなく、インディペンデントな意思を持って創造に取り組む、様々な職能を持った方々とのつながりを活かしながら仕事を行います。また、イベントの司会や媒体への寄稿、キュレーションなども行っています。



企画・プロデュース/編集/コミュニケーションプランニング/webディレクション/メディアの企画・開発・運営/冊子の企画・編集/イベントの企画・開発・運営/コンセプト開発/コピーライティング/司会/寄稿/本・音楽・映画などの作品やプロダクトのキュレーション/ etc


  • 性自認が女性であることで抱えてきた違和感や気づきをもとに、女性というジェンダーで生きるうえでの課題に取り組み、ひとりひとりを肯定すること
  • あらゆるジェンダーアイデンティティやセクシュアリティの人々の声を聞き、寄り添いながら、社会に存在している課題に取り組み、ひとりひとりを肯定すること
  • 生活する個人の生きづらさや苦しみ、尊厳に寄り添うこと
  • インディペンデントな意思を持つひとりひとりのクリエイションを大切にした仕事
  • 個人の考えはすべて異なるという前提のもと、親和性のある考えやアイデアを持つ、遠くや近くの人々をつなぐこと
  • 出会いのきっかけをつくること
  • 生きていくうえでの選択肢を広げるお手伝いをすること
  • ひとりひとりの声を尊重した対話の場を生み出すこと




1988年生まれ。編集者/プロデューサー。広告会社に勤めたのち、2015年CINRA入社。企業や行政とのメディアやイベントの立ち上げなどさまざまな案件に携わり、施策全体のプロデュース、企画、ディレクション、編集など幅広く担当。 2017年に同僚の野村由芽と共に、ひとりひとりの声を肯定する場所「自分らしく生きる女性を祝福するライフ&カルチャーコミュニティ“She is”」を立ち上げ、ブランドリーダーを務める。 2021年4月にCINRAを退職し、同月、野村由芽と共に株式会社ミーアンドユー(me and you, inc.)を立ち上げ、代表取締役に就任。 個人と個人の対話を出発点に、遠くの誰かにまで想像や語りを広げる活動を行なっていく。 主な仕事領域はプロデュース、ディレクション、企画、編集。社会に存在する課題を見据えながらも、個人の小さな声を大切にしながら、 それぞれの人の温度や思いを伝えていく仕事を心がけている。




1986年生まれ。編集者/文章を書く。広告会社に勤めたのち、2012年CINRA入社。 カルチャーメディアCINRA.NETの編集、企画、営業を行い、アジアのクリエイティブシティガイドHereNowの東京キュレーターを担う。 さまざまな企業のオウンドメディアの立ち上げにも携わり、コンセプトやストーリー立案、コピーライティングを主に担当。 2017年に同僚の竹中万季と共に、ひとりひとりの声を肯定する場所「自分らしく生きる女性を祝福するライフ&カルチャーコミュニティ”She is”」を立ち上げ、編集長を務める。 2021年4月にCINRAを退職し、同月、竹中万季と共に株式会社ミーアンドユー(me and you, inc.)を立ち上げ、取締役に就任。 個人と個人の対話を出発点に、遠くの誰かにまで想像や語りを広げる活動を行なっていく。 主な仕事領域はインタビュー、コラム・エッセイ執筆、コピーライティング、司会。 遠くと近くを行き来しながら、相手の言葉に耳を傾け、対話をしながらひとときその人の風景に潜ったり、一緒につくっていくような編集視点を心がけている。



社名:株式会社ミーアンドユー(me and you, inc.) 設立:2021年4月 所在地:〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山2-15-5 FARO青山1F url:https://meandyou.co.jp/ mail:hello@meandyou.co.jp 役員:代表取締役 竹中万季、取締役 野村由芽


B&Bでたなかみさきさんとme and you竹中・野村のトーク「ささやかで大胆なかけがえの無い日常」が開催

B&Bでたなかみさきさんとme and you竹中・野村のトーク「ささやかで大胆なかけがえの無い日常」が開催





個人的なことから社会のことまで語らうme and youの新Podcast「アイスクリームが溶けても」がスタート

個人的なことから社会のことまで語らうme and youの新Podcast「アイスクリームが溶けても」がスタート

me and youが企画・制作や審査員として関わる『中央線芸術遭遇』。選出された5組が出演する無料ライブイベントが開催

me and youが企画・制作や審査員として関わる『中央線芸術遭遇』。選出された5組が出演する無料ライブイベントが開催

gururiでme and you・Candlelightのアリサ・縫いぐるみ作家のそぼろによる『親密な場所で、すこしだけ』」を開催

gururiでme and you・Candlelightのアリサ・縫いぐるみ作家のそぼろによる『親密な場所で、すこしだけ』」を開催





TOUTEN BOOKSTOREでme and youの小さなポップアップ企画。新刊や言葉と音楽を贈るプチ企画など

TOUTEN BOOKSTOREでme and youの小さなポップアップ企画。新刊や言葉と音楽を贈るプチ企画など

me and youロゴをあしらった新色トートバッグ(サックスブルー×ベージュ、ネイビー×パステルピンク)を発売

me and youロゴをあしらった新色トートバッグ(サックスブルー×ベージュ、ネイビー×パステルピンク)を発売


書籍『わたしとあなた 小さな光のための対話集』の出版

書籍『わたしとあなた 小さな光のための対話集』の出版

メディア・コミュニティ「me and you little magazine & club」の立ち上げ

メディア・コミュニティ「me and you little magazine & club」の立ち上げ

ルミネ荻窪 2023年度 クリエイティブディレクション・コピーライティング

ルミネ荻窪 2023年度 クリエイティブディレクション・コピーライティング

ルミネ荻窪 2022年度 年間リーフレットの編集・制作

ルミネ荻窪 2022年度 年間リーフレットの編集・制作

書籍『me and you の日記文通 message in a bottle』の出版

書籍『me and you の日記文通 message in a bottle』の出版



クリーンビューティブランド7NaNatural 「自由」にまつわる88名へのアンケートおよび記事制作

クリーンビューティブランド7NaNatural 「自由」にまつわる88名へのアンケートおよび記事制作





東京女子大学 webコンテンツ制作

東京女子大学 webコンテンツ制作


ニュースレターの感想やme and youへのお便りなどもお待ちしております。


    ※ me and youのオフィスはバーチャルオフィスのため、受け取りにお時間をいただく可能性がございますのでご了承ください。

    東京都港区南青山2-15-5 FARO青山1F


    1. 個人情報の定義


    2. 個人情報の取得


    3. 利用目的


    ① 当社サービスに関するニュースレターの送信、新商品サービスに関する情報の通知
    ② 当社サービスに関するお問い合わせ等への対応
    ③ 当社サービスに関する規約等の変更等の通知

    4. 第三者提供


    5. 開示、訂正、利用停止、削除


    6. お問い合わせ窓口

    個人情報の取り扱いに関するお問い合わせは、下記の窓口までお願いいたします。 メールアドレス : hello@meandyou.co.jp

    7. プライバシーポリシー

    当社は、必要に応じて、本プライバシーポリシーを変更いたします。 なお、本プライバシーポリシーを変更する場合は、その内容を当社のウェブサイト上で表示いたします。


    about us❤️

    from "me and you" here to "me and you" afar

    "me and you" is a place where we begin to expand one's imagination and narrative to someone far away using dialogues between individuals as a starting point.


    our mission is to expand one's imagination and narrative to someone far away using dialogues between individuals as a starting point.

    "me and you" is a place where we begin to expand one's imagination and narrative to someone far away using dialogues between individuals as a starting point. acknowledging emotional changes, questions we have on our minds, and the feeling that something is wrong in our everyday life. speaking out from how we feel and at our own pace even if it's trivial. trying to listen to our own voice. by doing so, we become aware of the fact that each of us lives in a different way and situation. we also become aware of the unexpected connections and similarities you and i have and the mechanisms that make up this world. we believe this all leads us to think and take that first step to action.

    if you flip through your diary from ten years ago, you may encounter emotions you had forgotten as if they belonged to someone else. that person with whom you try but can't quite get along with could actually have made soup with the exact same ingredients as you did this morning. perhaps a stranger living on the other side of the ocean, a stranger who may have picked white clovers like i did, is anxiously waiting alone for the morning to come.

    before judging people by simply putting them in groups or in existing structures that can be suffocating at times, we want to be open and accept abstract yet rich emotions, words, or doubts, and take the time to carefully face them. we believe there are things you can only see by looking at the background and the circumstances surrounding them as well as many events that make up their relationships. what we want is to unravel the ties between individuals and society one by one into a form that is safe and secure, and then reconnect them while learning about the issues of the systems and structures of this world.

    you and i are really here and you and i are really there. we want to reach out, hold your hands and walk together.


    things we can do

    "me and you" works hand in hand with people who respect others and themselves and value dialogues between them. we want to create projects to unravel the ties between individuals and society one by one in a way that is safe and secure and reconnect them. our goal is to address the issues that exist in society while carefully listening to the small voices and warmth of individuals. to pay attention to the "relations" and "amplitudes" of things, and not rush to paint them with a single color. with the ties between our friends whom we rely on and from the standpoint of an editor by questioning the obvious, we work to learn and accept that change is inevitable.

    1. me and you's project

    these are the projects we lead and cultivate based on what we feel are very important.

    2. me and you & you! project

    we help companies, organizations, and makers tackle the challenges they face and deliver their brands, products, services, and initiatives to the people who need to hear them. we want to dive deep into the role our client plays in society, and will find imaginative ways to incorporate the voices of each person we work with as well as the people we want to reach.

    the biggest strength of "me and you" lies in our expertise in communication. not only to whom and how, but we can also help you build what needs to be made in order to communicate. on top of coming up with the plan for the whole project, we work closely with editors, writers, photographers, illustrators, artists, and other professionals. we choose who we work with not based on how well-known they are, but whether or not they can think and work based on their independent decision making process using our personal networks. furthermore, we can help moderate events, produce writings for various media outlets, and curate contents.

    when creating a project, we choose to take on the many different problems that exist in society without turning a blind eye to them. even if there are many things that cannot be done today, we believe facing and tackling these problems can lead to a change in the future. it would be wonderful if we could work together to find a way by sharing ideas, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

    things we can do:

    planning/ editing / communication planning / web direction / media planning, development, and management / booklet planning and editing / event planning, development, and management / concept development / copywriting / moderating / writing articles / planning of books, music, movies, and other works and products/ and more...

    areas we are working on proactively:

    • based on the discomfort and things individuals who identify as women see, we want to address the challenges of living as a woman and affirming each and everyone.
    • to affirm each individual by listening to the voices of and being considerate of all gender identities and sexualities while addressing the issues that exist in society.
    • to stay considerate of the hardships and pain of individuals and their dignity.
    • to work on projects where individual decisions of independent minded creators are valued.
    • to find common ground, compatible ideas or emotions between people far and near while knowing each individual is different.
    • to create opportunities for encounters.
    • to help people to expand their options in life.
    • to create a space for dialogues that respect the voice of each individual.
    things we can do

    maki takenaka

    executive director
    editor / producer

    maki takenaka

    born in 1988. editor/producer. after working for an advertising company, maki joined CINRA in 2015. she has been involved in a variety of projects including the launch of media and events with companies and the government. she was responsible for a wide range of projects as a leading curator, planner, director, and editor. in 2017, together with her colleague yume nomura, she launched a cultural community that affirms each individual's voice, "She is," a cultural community to celebrate women who live as they are and she served as the brand leader there. in april 2021, she left CINRA, and in the same month, she launched me and you, inc. with yume nomura, and became its director. with dialogues between individuals as a starting point, they work to expand the imagination and narrative to someone far away. her main areas of work include directing, planning, and editing. keeping an eye on issues society faces, she strives to convey the warmth and thoughts of each individual while valuing their voices.

    yume nomura

    editor / writer

    yume nomura

    born in 1986. editor/writer. after working for an advertising company, yume joined CINRA in 2012. she edited, planned new projects, and worked in sales for a cultural media, CINRA.NET. she was the curator of HereNow, a guide to creative cities in asia and was in charge of Tokyo. she was involved in the launch of various companies’ owned media, heading the concept, story planning and copywriting. in 2017, she and her colleague maki takenaka launched a cultural community to affirm each individual's voice, "She is" that celebrates women who live as they are, and she serves as the editor-in-chief. in april 2021, she left CINRA and launched me and you, inc. with maki takenaka and became its director. with dialogues between individuals as a starting point, they work to expand the imagination and narrative to someone far away. her main areas of work are interviews, writing columns and essays, copywriting, and moderating events. while moving back and forth between the distant and the near, keeping her editorial perspective, listening carefully to the words of people she writes about as if she dived into their landscapes for a moment through dialogue and created articles with them.

    company profile

    company profile

    company name: me and you, inc. established: April, 2021 the address: FARO Aoyama 1F 2-15-5 Minami-aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan url:https://meandyou.co.jp/ mail:hello@meandyou.co.jp directors: maki takenaka (executive director), yume nomura (director)


    talk event with misaki tanaka and me and you's takenaka & nomura for the release of “greater or lesser”

    talk event with misaki tanaka and me and you's takenaka & nomura for the release of “greater or lesser”

    SNOW SHOVELING’s meeting event & shingo kanagawa’s diary workshop at owns Shimbashi

    SNOW SHOVELING’s meeting event & shingo kanagawa’s diary workshop at owns Shimbashi

    me and you's podcast

    me and you's podcast "even if the ice cream melts" is starting!

    special edition of

    special edition of "exPoP!!!!! Chuo Line" featuring artists selected from "Chuo Line Art Encounter"

    "in an intimate space, just a little" at gururi with me and you, candlelight’s arisa, and plush artist soboro

    "forget everything, remember everything" with yumiko kikuchi at twililight

    me and you will be closed for the year-end and new year holidays

    me and you will be closed for the year-end and new year holidays

    "me and you mini popup shop" at touten bookstore

    newly color tote bag is now on sale

    newly color tote bag is now on sale


    me and you’s book publishing

    me and you’s book publishing

    a media and community

    a media and community "me and you little magazine & club" launching

    creative direction and copywriting for lumine ogikubo's 2023 productions

    creative direction and copywriting for lumine ogikubo's 2023 productions

    editing of lumine ogikubo for 2022’s leaflet

    editing of lumine ogikubo for 2022’s leaflet

    the book “me and you’s diary letter  message in a bottle” publishing

    the book “me and you’s diary letter message in a bottle” publishing

    Smaluna “#shikatanakunai” magazine editing

    Smaluna “#shikatanakunai” magazine editing

    “7NaNatural” and “me and you” collected voices about

    “7NaNatural” and “me and you” collected voices about "Free your mind" and created articles about them.

    daimaru matsuzakaya department store's media

    daimaru matsuzakaya department store's media "ARToVILLA" / media launching, editorial advice, copywriting

    "MEGLY&CO" media launching, content planning and editing

    tokyo woman's christian university web contents planning / editing

    tokyo woman's christian university web contents planning / editing

    for inquiries❤️❤️❤️❤️

    please feel free to contact us for job and other inquiries.
    we welcome comments on our newsletter and letters to me and you.


      mail adress*

      affiliation / company name



      you want to send us a letter? send it to the address below. if you send us a book, zine, etc., we will carefully review it among our staff, and in some cases, we may introduce it in our newsletter.

      * please note that our office is a virtual office, so it may take some time to receive your mail.

      me and you, inc. 
      FARO Aoyama 1F 2-15-5 Minami-aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo, 107-0062, Japan

      privacy policy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

      1. definition of personal information

      In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to "personal information" as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Alternatively, it refers to passwords related to the use of our services

      2. acquisition of Personal Information.

      we shall acquire personal information in an appropriate manner within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and shall not acquire personal information through illegal means.

      3. purpose of use

      we will use the acquired personal information for the following purposes.

      (1) to send newsletters about our services and to notify you of new products and services.
      (2) to respond to inquiries about our services.
      (3) notification of changes in the terms and conditions of the company's services.

      4. provision to third parties

      we will not provide personal information to third parties (including those located outside Japan) without the prior consent of the user, except as required by law.

      5. disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and deletion

      when a user requests the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion of personal information, we will disclose the information without delay after verifying the identity of the user, except as required by law. however, we may ask you to pay a handling fee for requests for disclosure. Please understand this in advance.

      6. contact for inquiries

      if you have any questions regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following. e-mail address: hello@meandyou.co.jp

      7. privacy policy

      we will modify this privacy policy as necessary. in the event that this privacy policy is changed, the changes will be posted on the company's website.

      Enacted on July 2, 2021