B&Bでたなかみさきさんとme and you竹中・野村のトーク「ささやかで大胆なかけがえの無い日常」が開催


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- お知らせ❤️❤️
- お知らせ❤️❤️
me and you little magazine & clubがオープンしました!
me and youの新しいメディア・コミュニティ「me and you little magazine & club」がオープンしました!
me and you little magazine & clubは、「little magazine」と「club」というふたつの場所を抱えています。「little magazine」は、ひとりひとりの声や対話、作品を集めて記録するマガジン。「club」は、安心して話しはじめることができ、信頼できる人が見つかるかもしれないコミュニティです。
little magazine & clubのSNSアカウントも新設したので、ぜひフォローしていただけたら幸いです。
me and you little magazine & club
little magazineの制作スタッフはこちらからご覧いただけます。
me and you little magazineでは、映画、書籍、展覧会、楽曲などに関するアーティストインタビューやコラム記事や、企業や団体、プロジェクトに関するインタビュー記事の掲載なども行っていきます。「カルチャートピックス」のコーナーで紹介をご希望の配給会社、レコード会社、出版社の方も、こちらからお気軽にお問い合わせください。
me and you little magazine & club is now open!
our new media community, “me and you little magazine & club” is now open!
in our lives, we want to be able to cherish the small subjects of “me” and “you” and not pretend that small discomforts and happiness don’t exist. this is a place that we have set up with the hope that there will be a place where we can think at our own speed and in our own words, while at the same time learning and studying about the structure of society, without pretending that our personal thoughts and feelings are insignificant.
this place holds two places, “little magazine” and “club”. “little magazine” is a magazine that collects and records the voices, dialogues and works of each individual. “club” is a community where you can feel safe to start talking and where you may find people you can trust.
we’ve also set up a new SNS account for little magazine & club, so we hope you’ll follow us.
me and you little magazine & club
click here to see the production staff of little magazine.
little magazine will also publish artist interviews and column articles about movies, books, exhibitions, music, etc., as well as interviews about companies, organizations and projects. if you are a distributor, record company, or publisher who would like to be featured in our “culture topics” section, please feel free to contact us here.