me and youが企画・制作や審査員として関わる『中央線芸術遭遇』。選出された5組が出演する無料ライブイベントが開催
gururiでme and you・Candlelightのアリサ・縫いぐるみ作家のそぼろによる『親密な場所で、すこしだけ』」を開催
- お知らせ❤️❤️
- お知らせ❤️❤️
- お知らせ❤️❤️
me and youのwebサイトがオープンしました。
me and youのwebサイト・SNS(Instagram&Twitter)をオープンしました。「個人と個人の対話を出発点に、遠くの誰かにまで想像や語りを広げる」という思いのもと行っていくわたしたちの活動について、この場所でお知らせしていきます。
me and youでは、自分たちが主導し耕していくプロジェクト「me and you’s project」と、企業や団体、ものづくりをする人など共につくっていくプロジェクト「me and you & you! project」と大きく2軸のお仕事を行っていきます。できることや、積極的に取り組んでいきたい領域などについても「わたしたちのこと」のページに詳しく書いておりますので、ぜひご覧になっていただけたらうれしいです。
me and youのニュースレター「me and youのmessage in a bottle」も引き続き隔週金曜日の夜にお届けします。ぜひ、このサイトの下部から登録してみてくださいね。
me and you's website is now open.
me and you’s website and our social accounts (Instagram & Twitter) are now open. we will use this space to announce our work based on our mission of “expanding one’s imagination and narrative to someone far away using dialogue between individuals as a starting point.”
we will be working on two main types of projects: “me and you’s project,” which we will lead and cultivate, and “me and you & you! project,” which we will create together with companies, organizations, and those who make things. you can read more about what we can do and the areas we would like to actively work on on the “about us” page.
the logo, web design, and visuals were created by designer aiko koike. yuta tanaka does the coding for our website. based on the concept of “from ‘me and you’ here to ‘me and you’ afar,” it’s filled with thoughts of the various me and yous. we hope you will enjoy them. the text was translated into english by miwako ozawa, whose works include “Her Body and Other Parties,” “Vagina: A Re-education,” and “Queen’s Gambit.” we have decided to use small letters and not capital letters throughout the site to show how we hope small voices don’t get drowned out by big ones.
the portraits and images were taken by photographer takuya nagamine, and the scenography was done by two members of NEWSEE. we hope that the seaside images that agnes varda painted will reach someone far beyond the sea.
the me and you newsletter “me and you’s message in a bottle” will be sent every other friday night. please sign up for it at the bottom of this site.
(translated by miwako ozawa)